What Cancel Culture Was and Wasn’t

How a moral panic went global—and then began to go away.
Floretta Becker · 1 day ago · 2 minutes read

The Cancel Culture Panic: Unmasking the Moral Scare

Origins of a Modern-Day Witch Hunt

In recent years, the concept of "cancel culture" has taken hold in the United States, igniting intense debate and moral panic.

"Cancel culture" typically refers to the ostracization or boycotting of individuals or entities perceived as violating societal norms or expressing controversial viewpoints, often through social media or online platforms.

A Historical Perspective: From Political Correctness to Wokeness

Adrian Daub, author of The Cancel Culture Panic, argues that this phenomenon is not new but rather the latest iteration of debates surrounding political correctness that have plagued the United States since the Reagan era.

Daub traces the origins of the current moral panic to a confluence of factors, including conservative fears of left-wing cultural and ideological dominance in higher education.

Quantifying the Myth: True "Cancellations" Are Rare

Despite the hysteria surrounding cancel culture, Daub's research indicates that actual cases of cancellation, particularly within academia, are surprisingly low.

He attributes this discrepancy to a media sensationalism driven by clickbait anecdotes and a willingness to embrace unfounded or exaggerated claims.

Expanding the Panic: Global Adaptations

The cancel culture panic has spread beyond the United States, taking on distinct local characteristics and concerns.

In Germany, for example, fears of "left-wing censorship" and "identity politics" have intertwined with broader social and political anxieties.

Illiberal Intentions: How Cancel Culture Panic Masks Authoritarianism

Daub warns that the anti-cancel culture movement is advancing a dangerous vision of institutions and society.

He shows how authoritarian leaders around the world, such as Trump and Bolsonaro, have used the panic as a tool to dismiss dissent, uphold power structures, and erode democratic norms.

The Rise of Anti-Woke Policies

The panic over cancel culture has given rise to a wave of anti-woke policies aimed at restricting freedom of expression and critical perspectives.

These policies, often justified in the name of protecting "free speech," serve to silence dissenting voices and narrow the realm of acceptable debate.

Looking Forward: The Future of Cancel Culture Panic

Despite its widespread impact, the cancel culture panic may be waning in the United States due to changing perceptions of Big Tech companies and the failure of anti-woke campaigns to gain significant traction.

However, in the face of global instability and political polarization, it remains uncertain whether the panic will fully subside or evolve into new forms of social control.